I don’t know about you, but I have the same handbag for every occasion. In that handbag I have the same 3 items, no matter the handbag, I will transfer over the same items.
1. Make Up/Emergency Bag
I have a small make up pouch, that I purchased from Disney Cath Kidston (one of the best Cath Kidston collections ever). In that pouch I have:
- A small hair brush
- Nail file
- Foundation powder
- Body Spray
- Medicine (paracetamol etc.)
- Plasters
- Hand sanitizer
2. Portable Charger
No matter where you go, you’ll use your phone and eventually the battery starts to run low. Or in my case, I freak if it drops below 75{061a4ec79d212826335e0ef772d75bc6ff368d2d203bea38cc88b67a5c8a9acd}… So to prevent my freak outs it becomes very helpful to have a portable charger.
3. Glasses
I have to wear glasses when looking at screens, so computers, tv, phone etc. But they aren’t the only type of glasses I carry around in my handbag. I carry around a pair of 3D glasses. I am a huge cinema fan and with my Unlimited card I tend to book 4DX screenings and sometimes I forget to pack 3D glasses. I hate buying a new pair as they are rather expensive. So to prevent this from happening I make sure to have 3D glasses in my handbag at all times.
Written by Chloe Minette blogger